Monday, January 31, 2011

Ending the Month

Well today is the last day of Janurary. Seems like it just started. Peter and I put ourselves on a budget this year. It has been intresting to say the least. I gave up buying magazines and we put some restrictions on his cash spending including his addiction to coffee drinks. We have both done well. Peter bought me a couple of magazine subscriptions for Christmas and I had some friends give me some of their magazines when they were done with them. I have also been known to go by the recycling center and see what was on top in the magazine bin. I have come home with several current copies in the past. Peter did get some Starbucks gift cards and some Frankies gift certificates to help him get through Janurary. A coffee drink from Frankies is $4.58 each time. I do have to say he has done well this month. Good job honey!!!

So here is Feburary and I plan on giving up my sodas. I have in the past not been able to do this. I end up with a pretty bad headache by day two with no soda and give in. I promise to be truthful no matter what the outcome. I am having a Diet Dr. Pepper as I write this. Remember today is still Janurary. Tomorrow I start. Wish me luck.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beginning Again

So I am 31 years old, married to my best friend, and we have the three most wonderful boys that God could possibly have given to us. I will introduce them to you in the coming post. I have tried blogging in the past and not been so successful so hopefully this time will be better. I was inspired by a good friend of mine, Danielle Mickey, whose blog I have really enjoyed this month. Thanks Danielle!!
You can check out her blog here.

Preview of our boys:
Hayden 10 years old
Canaan 6 years old
Greyson 3 years old