Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

I have the best family ever. Thanks all be to God! My heart is so filled with joy today and I am so blessed to be a mom even if it is the hardest job ever.
My heart is also very heavy today. My friend and co-worker Sarah has a 5 year old that started having seizures this past week. They started out short and few and far between. On Friday she had about 50 in one day. They are now in Chapel Hill searching for answers and the right medicine to control her seizures. Lilly is a very cute and active little girl who is due to start kindergarten in the fall.
I think we all get wrapped up in life and forget how blessed we are to be healthy and have healthy children. Praying for Lilly to get better soon.
Happy mothers day to all.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Introducing our newest member


We got Samee on March 12th. He is a toy poodle and about 12 weeks old. The boys absolutley love him. We have already taught him to sit, lie down, crawl, shake, and play dead. He is a very smart dog. It has deffinetly been a big change for us. He has to come to work with me every day and when we go on vacations we will most likely need a pet sitter. I do have to say we are all in love with him and would have it no other way.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Well, Where to begin? The boys are on spring break, so I decided to take a couple of days off work myself. I went to the beach with a good friend and her three kids. So total: 2 adults, and 6 kids, ages, 10, 9, 7, 5, 4, and 2. What were we thinking? Actually we had a really good time. The weather was not the greatest for the beach but we stayed in a fairly large condo, and were able to use an indoor pool and lazy river. We took the kids to an imax movie and to see the dinner show, Medieval Times. Expensive but we deffinetley made some memories. All things come to an end. Our couple of days at the beach ended so quickly. We came home yesterday and back to work I went today. I have a full day of work tomorrow and only a half day on Friday. So I will try and do something else special with the kids on Friday and Saturday.
On another note, I am going to try and make a list of things I would like to accomplish, just random things but be able to cross them off as I go. Look for the list on my side bar in the coming days.
Here is another link to another great blog I like to read and keep up with. Enjoy

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Okay, I got lazy with this blog thing. Sorry for whoever reads or follows me. The weight loss is pretty much not going as planned. I have not gained and certainly not lost any. So I thought I would share with you an old project. Enjoy!

So this is an old DIY project of mine. I took an old window that came out of an old house on our farm, added hooks all around it, spray painted the whole thing black, and stapled some ribbon for a hanger. Yay, pretty and functional and sentimental. Maybe eventually it will actually hang on the wall and not from a cabinet in the corner of my bedroom.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Total:

1 week ago I was 1x9
today I weighed in at 1x7

I wanted to have lost more, but hey I'll take it. 2 pounds lost is at least not a gain!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Okay, I have to be honest with you because I told you I would. I had a soda today. Things have been crazy the last few days. On Friday, we found out that Hayden had strep and the flu. He felt awful all day Friday and all day Saturday. On Sunday afternoon, Canaan fell down in the woods on a pretty sharp cedar stick. It stabbed him in between his gum line and his cheek leaving a really big hole in there. We spent 2 1/2 hours at the ER, to find out we needed to see an oral surgeon. So today, Monday, we see the surgeon and luckily for now, we just let it heal on its on. If there happens to be something leftover from the stick (small sliver, ect...) then it will get more swollen and infected. At that point, we would need the surgery. We are just continuing to pray that God will heal him with no surgery, but trusting in Him all the way no matter what.

On a happier note, this is what we had for dinner tonight

Heart shaped choc. chip pancakes, bacon, and milk.
They even had valentine balloons tied to their chairs.

I found a cute idea online for their valentines this year. You won't see my oldest son below, because apparently he thinks he is too old to hand out valentines. I found this idea here.

This is what I started with:

And here is how we finished
They say
You make me snicker
Happy Valentines Day
Tomorrow is weigh in day. I am not looking forward to it. I did workout 3 times last week. But I really over did the eating this weekend and especially today while I was stressed. Maybe having the goal as the end of Feburary to loose 10 pounds, could be a stretch, but I will still take it on as a goal and give myself another couple of weeks.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I've been doing Wednesdays

Still no sodas, I can hardley believe it. To start off with I'll say that about a year and a half ago, I began trying to loose some weight. I was taking what was suppose to be an all natural pill, Soloslim, and it turnned out to have a few bad side effects. But over the course of about 5 - 6 months, I lost 30 pounds. I decided the side effects were not worth it and I would just have to try some other way to loose weight. Well, I was not successfull. In less than a years time, I have gained 20 of those pounds back. I feel bad every time I get dressed. I just really want to get back down to a more comfortable weight. So I've been trying to watch and be more aware of what I am putting in my mouth. I have been drinking 1 to 2 slim fast shakes a day in place of a meal, drinking more water and just trying not to over eat. So Monday night, I walked 2 miles at home using a walk it off exercise dvd. And again this morning I did another 2 miles. I was a little tired at work this afternoon, and am really tired tonight. My 6 year old wanted to go eat at a chinese resturaunt in our home town before church. So I agreed and we went there to eat dinner. Guess what,........ I over ate and was completely misserable. I've got to stop doing that. Anyway I did weigh myself on Tuesday morning and to keep myself from being embaressed, I will use an x in the number.

My current weight: 1x9

I plan to report on Tuesdays how my weight loss is going.

So this is Peters' mom, dad, brother Vernie, and his daughter Ava. I am introducing them to you, because I am going to be an aunt again on the 15th. Vernie's wife is scheduled to have a c-section on the 15th. Vernie is currently overseas but is scheduled to be home in time for the birth. I will not meet my new little nephew for a while. They live in Georgia(about an 8 hour drive). My nephew will be named Logan Charles Theis. I can't wait to meet him. I am sure he will be just precious!!!