Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I've been doing Wednesdays

Still no sodas, I can hardley believe it. To start off with I'll say that about a year and a half ago, I began trying to loose some weight. I was taking what was suppose to be an all natural pill, Soloslim, and it turnned out to have a few bad side effects. But over the course of about 5 - 6 months, I lost 30 pounds. I decided the side effects were not worth it and I would just have to try some other way to loose weight. Well, I was not successfull. In less than a years time, I have gained 20 of those pounds back. I feel bad every time I get dressed. I just really want to get back down to a more comfortable weight. So I've been trying to watch and be more aware of what I am putting in my mouth. I have been drinking 1 to 2 slim fast shakes a day in place of a meal, drinking more water and just trying not to over eat. So Monday night, I walked 2 miles at home using a walk it off exercise dvd. And again this morning I did another 2 miles. I was a little tired at work this afternoon, and am really tired tonight. My 6 year old wanted to go eat at a chinese resturaunt in our home town before church. So I agreed and we went there to eat dinner. Guess what,........ I over ate and was completely misserable. I've got to stop doing that. Anyway I did weigh myself on Tuesday morning and to keep myself from being embaressed, I will use an x in the number.

My current weight: 1x9

I plan to report on Tuesdays how my weight loss is going.

So this is Peters' mom, dad, brother Vernie, and his daughter Ava. I am introducing them to you, because I am going to be an aunt again on the 15th. Vernie's wife is scheduled to have a c-section on the 15th. Vernie is currently overseas but is scheduled to be home in time for the birth. I will not meet my new little nephew for a while. They live in Georgia(about an 8 hour drive). My nephew will be named Logan Charles Theis. I can't wait to meet him. I am sure he will be just precious!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that the past few times I've been home, I think you look great! I also wanted to say that I assume it may not be easy to blog about it but I do think it may be a great tool in your future victory. I'm proud of you. I'm especially proud that you have been soda-free! That is awesome!! :)
    Congrats to your and Peter on welcoming a nephew to the family! I hope yall can make the trip soon to see him!
